Free Daily Horoscope: Next Three Days


Today’s free daily horoscope astrology prediction for all star (Sun) signs, for the next three days! What’s happening for you?  Monday 27th May- Wednesday 29th May 2019.  As we start the week the Sun and Moon are in a slight tense aspect to each other causing a little frustration, it could impact us all.  Be sure to subscribe for your  FREE  horoscope for a start, mid-week and weekend daily horoscope via email

The moon is in Pisces


As we start the week Aries, communication in relationships, partnerships, and any legal matters you are dealing with seem to have some slight tense energy around them. The advice is to ensure that you are being as open, honest and straightforward as you can surrounding ALL partnerships you are in, be it business or personal. As an Aries you have a tendency to be a little hot headed, and put the ‘self’ first as the first house ruler as an Aries. Over the next few days, be cool! And listen to what others have to say, it could be of importance and ease any tension.

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Taurus if you are battling over your career direction or even a financial status right now wait a few days before you speak to the boss again. If you work for yourself, the same applies be patient. Once the Moon moves out of Pisces  which is impacting  with slight tension on your house of finance , and house of career and status it maybe a better time to approach the boss. Or if you work for yourself a better time to think about ways to increase your income via self-employment. You are the ruler of the house of finance as a Taurus, so this area of life could be of great importance just be patient the money will start to flow, the start of the week’s energy and frustrations if any will pass.

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Gemini, this month is your month! The Sun in your Sun sign and therefore the first house of you is under the spotlight. However, over the next few days if you are studying, learning or researching you may find yourself becoming a bit emotional over it all with the Moon in Pisces impacting on your house of higher learning. The advice is to not over think, or stress. As a Gemini you rule the house of learning and communication so don’t sweat! Take a step back and come back to any mental tasks in a few days.

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As we start the week Cancer, you may be emotionally tugged by your  shared resources debts, finances, taxes, inheritance with your ruling planet the Moon focused in this area for you. The Moon is under your sister water sign’s influence  Pisces which can lead to a rather over dramatic reaction! Within a few days the drama should pass. The Sun is also in a slight tense aspect to the Moon focused on your hopes and dreams and friendships, your emotional reaction could be linked to this area of life also. As we start the week, the advice is to keep your emotions in check as best you can. As a water signs that has the most empathy, get to the bottom of whatever is making you feel emotional and communicate this to whoever is involved. As the energy is surrounding not just your friendships and hopes, also your shared resources with others.

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LeoSun moves into Gemini

As we start the week Leo your business relationships, or partnerships that are more of a professional nature  and career and status are in the spot light. The Sun and Moon are in a slightly tense aspect, therefore as the firey Leo that you are ruled by the Sun, watch your temper and your ego. The Moon is under Pisces, which can bring a very emotional feelings. Any tense frustrations should pass in a few days, as the Moon’s energy moves away from this area of life for you.

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Travel for work , contact with distant  or foreign places, and higher learning, your day to day routine possibly linked to work, services you provide, how you earn money or even your health could crop up as we start the week Virgo. With the Sun and Moon’s slightly tense energy focused on this area of life for you, the advice is to plan travel routes well. Communicate well if it comes in from distant places, or linked to services, your day to day routine, or how you make money. As a Virgo this is a time where your perfectionist and attention to finer detail traits will serve you well! That said, you could hold off travel plans if possible until mid-week, once the energy passes.

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The start of the week may see you struggling to find time for romance, dating, sex, creativity Libra. It’s okay, it could be a busy start and your attention is needed elsewhere. Rather than make promised  you can’t keep with others regarding romance or even creative projects you are working on, finish up what needs your attention then come back to your house of ‘fun’ by mid week. The advice is to find the balance between work and play, as a Libra you are all about this! So check organise your diary and look forward to mid-week fun.

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If you have any creative or fun plans for your home, family, foundations or events that took place in the  recent past, you could find that you are at a bit of a cross roads over these areas of life. If decisions around the home and family need to be made, use your emotions and where you are really called to. With the Moon in your sister water sign Pisces, focused on your area of creativity and fun, while the Sun’s energy focused on your area of the home and family the two are slightly tense as we start the week. The advice is, think through your options and decisions before you act.

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Your mental thoughts over how you earn money, routine or health matters could crop up this week Sagittarius. There may be a slight conflict with what you have in mind, and the reality of your situation  with money matters, routines or health. The advice is, to look at the bigger picture if you are caught in conflict between your initial ideas and reality. What is needed in order to gain what it is you want or have in mind, with how you earn money, your day to day routine or health? Then put a plan of action together.

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You could find yourself focusing on how much fun, romance, sex, or creativity you  have in life this week Capricorn. Or if you have been waiting to hear from someone special romantically, this week could be the week! That said, the Sun and Moon are in a tense aspect in this area of life for you. Communicate well if you do hear news. Or if you feel there is a lack of fun, romance, sex or enjoyable creative projects in your life this week, mid-week could be a time to do something about it. If  your single, it’s time to think about mingling. If your partnered, make some time for each other once the tense aspect with the Moon and Sun moves forward.

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This week you could be focused on  finance and the home, family, or what you call secure Aquarius. Don’t panic, the tense aspect of the Sun and Moon on this area of life for you will pass mid-week. As we start the week, get organised with the home and family, as well as your finances as a heads up. You are the most logical sign of the zodiac, therefore if anyone can think things through in order to get organised it’s you. The Moon is in Pisces and for you, being one of the emotionally detached signs, more about mental energy you may find you are more willing to be emotionally involved with situations, people, places or things generally. By mid-week as the Moon moves on,  you’ll be back to your normally Aquarian self.

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The Moon is under your energy Pisces, and for you this will impact on you and your first house directly. Your emotions could be heightened as we start the week in general. The Moon is also slightly tense with the Sun, focusing on communications your short trips you make this week, education, your siblings and any letters, emails, or texts you receive. The advice is, try not to over react or become to emotional generally, as we start the week with any area of your life. If you need to make some short trips, plan well, if you are studying  try to remain mentally focused, any communication such as letters, texts or emails you receive if anything causes you to become a little frustrated, or emotionally upset leave it until mid-week when the tense aspect eases to respond.

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Have a wonderful start to the week!









8 Replies to “Free Daily Horoscope: Next Three Days”

  1. As a pisces I do at times find my emotional center transitioning between the sun and moon. Its hard to maintain a ground center. I feel that part of this emotional pull is due to our deep connection with others around us, the universe, and our own feelings. We feel things so passionately that we cant help but to be pulled by the forces sometimes out of our control. However acknowledging those forces allows us to reign them in and monitor our reactions in accordance with appropriate timing verses inside the emotion we feel so heavily.

    1. Exactly Charity, I could not have said it better myself. You have a deep and good understanding of your Sun sign. Have a wonderful few days.

  2. Hi Kae, this is a very unique post and way to reach your audience.  I am a Virgo so I paid particular attention to my horoscope for the next three days.  I don’t plan on traveling in my work-related duties, however, it’s interesting that I am looking for different employment currently and I’d like to find a work from home job that will also allow me to work more on affiliate marketing.

    That being said, it appears according to my horoscope that I should pay particular attention to how I communicate to potential new employers this week.  I will most assuredly use my perfectionist mentality and attention to detail to when communicating. 

    Thanks for your post!


  3. Thanks for this… it looks like I have set my goals right according to how things are lining up for my star sign. It’s so helpful to read this and feel like I’m on the right track with things. Appreciate the guidance here. I will check back in later and see how it goes! 

  4. Hi Kae, thank you for this interesting blog on our horoscopes and what to expect in the next few days.  I am a Taurus and found what to expect interesting as I have recently decided to change my career path by starting my own online business.  I did not realize that Taurus is so strongly linked to the house of money.  I will stay positive and focused that my money situation will be determined and increased by me, using your horoscope guide and the interesting explanation on our ruling houses. 
    Have you always been interested in horoscopes?  I find them fascinating, but like a lot of people am reluctant to share this for fear of being told not to be silly.  Have a great day, Denise.

    1. Hi Denise, great to hear the energy around Taurus resonates with you, and good luck with the business ventures. YES I lave loved astrology since my teens I too find it all really fascinating! I don’t have a fear of sharing the Universe messages, because as proved today they can be for the highest good for someone. Thanks for reading.

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