Journal Writing Prompt Ideas
Each month I post a spiritual writing prompt, and offer spiritual writing ideas based on the energy of astrology, numerology, the new or full Moon, or whatever is spiritually uplifting for you, using the Universe’s energy and messages around us. Here’s some of the previous spiritual writing exercises and spiritual journal ideas to ponder below. If you would love to spend 30 days investing in you with spiritual journal questions, consider The 30 Day Spiritual Journal.
Spiritual journal writing has nothing to do with religion so to speak, it’s more about a ‘deep dive’ into you, your thoughts, feelings, and reflections. It’s a very valuable thing to do, and more rewarding that you’d imagine. It’s my mission to help you move forward in life, and introduce to you the beauty of keeping a spiritual journal, which is not hard, time consuming, or difficult to know what to write if you have spiritual writing exercises or prompts provided. I recommend that you subscribe and follow The Spiritual Parlour website, and have them delivered to you each month, these prompts are different from those included in The 30 Day Spiritual Journal. Jump in or out whenever you’re ready from the ones I share online. Happy writing!
The 30 Day Spiritual Journal provides you with a deeply reflective personal experience. That will align you with your authentic self for your highest good. You’ll gain clarity on your direction and heal. This book is for everyone, no matter your spiritual or religious belief, the reflection points make no reference to religion. The Journal has varied and deeply reflective everyday questions to ask yourself, for thirty days. Which will encourage you to dig deep on a soul level, this will also help balance your chakras.
The journal reflections cover the present, past, and future. To encourage you to reflect on life and your experiences, which includes mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial reflection. Each one will then help you to move forward with success. There are thirty extra inspirational journal reflection questions as a bonus, and a dedicated space in the paperback to record your entries for each reflection.
Written by a qualified astrologer, numerologist, and Reiki Master with one purpose: to empower you, balance the chakras, access life’s blessings, then move forward with purpose. Invest in your overall well-being for thirty days, then notice life become clearer, exciting, and aligned with your true self. All you need is your favourite writing pen.
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Spiritual Journal Prompts To Discover Blog Posts:
New Moon In Leo: The Lions Gate Portal is Open!
Full Moon in Aquarius: Let’s Switch Things Up!
Caricorn Full Moon: Luck is On Our Side…
Summer Solstice Celebration and Ritual Ideas
Gemini New Moon: June What have you decided?
Sagittarius Eclipse :A new Adventure
First New Moon of 2021: Capricorn’s Transformation Energy!
New Moon in Aquarius: Be Dynamic!
Virgo full Moon: Take for action with love, self-love, and creativity!
Waning Moon protection spell + Journaling Prompts!
Libra new Moon: Self-love and care ritual