Full Moon in Aquarius- Let’s Switch it Up!

So this week it’s a beautiful full Moon in Aquarius, I am super excited as this is my own sun sign, but apart from this the energy surrounding us this coming week,  what’s happened in the lead up to the full Moon has caused me to embrace ‘change’ like a true Aquarius, I was put in a position just before the full Moon where I had no way to log onto my astrologer’s software, then check out the Moon’s energy and write the monthly writing prompts *facepalm.* That said, I could have just as easily have gone to this website, and used the free birth chart   calculator based on the date and time of the full Moon, and checked out the energy that way.

I said to myself, ‘nah let’s embrace change, switch it up, and write the prompts not based on the planet’s movements in the sky, but the vibration of Aquarius only instead.’  I thought to myself why not do a complete freestyle? This also means that I’m a little late to write this, the full Moon happened over the 23rd/24th of July 2021 depending where you are in the world.

This was because I had to wait for a friend to return home to use their laptop as mine is broken! Not only that, the technology I’m using is so different to what I’m used to as it’s a touch screen laptop. Very posh! But very different from my old, run-down machine. So here goes, let’s embrace the Aquarius energy, pull out your journals and consider these points over this full Moon week, journal and reflect with me:


Aquarius Full Moon Spiritual Writing Prompts:

  • When was the last time  you embraced real change in life? As we move through the last half of 2021, think about your life, goals, dress sense, appearance,  looks, desires etc., and ask yourself honestly is it time to ‘switch it up a bit’ and do something new, to refresh your own energy?


  • Are you being as bold, unique, and innovative as you’d love to be, if there was no fear of judgement towards you? How and where in life could you be more unique, bold, and find the authentic you?


  • Do you speak and walk in your own truth? By this it’s meant are you being true to who you are and where you wish to be in life? What’s holding you back if you’re not? How can you release that  fear and anything you hold back?  To  move forward with no fear.

The Aquarius energy is very unpredictable, that’s due to its links to the ruling planet of Uranus. Uranus is the planet of sudden unexpected changes, rebellion, and upheaval. Wherever Uranus is in a birth chart can show how and where in life a person naturally will rebel or not confirm to what’s considered the ‘norm’. It can also show where a person experiences the most disruptions or sudden changes in life.

The Aquarius energy is very unpredictable, that’s due to its links to the ruling planet of Uranus. Uranus is the planet of sudden unexpected changes, rebellion, and upheaval. Wherever Uranus is in a birth chart can show how and where in life a person naturally will rebel or not conform to what’s considered the ‘norm’. It can also show where a person experiences the most disruptions or sudden changes in life.

That said Aquarius energy is one of the most intelligent of the zodiac, I would go as far as to say the most intelligent. This sun sign is concerned with information, facts, figures, logic, what’s real, honest and truthful. Where Gemini the sister air sign would be considered an information lover also, they gather it while Aquarius energy will sort through it and make sense of it. While they do this they are likely to be pretty direct, and call out any bullshit without a second thought! What Aquarius energy brings is being true, different, a loner at times, a thinker, and a good amount of self determination too. Aquarius is not one to fit in, some may say who resonate with the sun sign, that they pride themselves on being ‘weird’ , ‘quirky’, and very different to others

This full Moon, let’s embrace being open and honest with ourselves, see where we can make some unexpected changes, or even take risks. Happy full moon!

Don’t forget there are over 100 journal designs to choose from on Amazon designed by The Spiritual Parlour. Astrology Journals, Mind, Body, and Soul Journals. and this month’s newest addition 2022 planners! This year I decided to make them in paperback. not PDF downloads.


Check out The Spiritual Parlour 2022 Planners:



Moon Phase Weekly and Daily Planner January – December 2022: Monthly and Weekly Planner Including Moon Phases, Road Opener Ritual, and Free Astrology Resources

Designed by a qualified astrologer this beautiful Moon phase planner is a weekly and monthly planner, across two pages. Perfect for those who follow the rhythm of the Moon in their daily life, beginners learning astrology wanting to embrace the Moon’s energy, as well as advanced astrologers, or anyone who just loves the cosmos!

All times for Moon transits are in GMT, and there’s details on how to convert it to your local time where you are in the world. This planner comes with free astrology resources included such as how to understand house rulerships in astrology, key information on a person’s Sun, Moon, and Ascendant sign, how to make the best use of each Moon’s phase, how an eclipse energy can impact on your birth chart, free horoscopes to download, the different types of eclipses and what they mean and how they change life, and a ‘road opener’ ritual is included to help you draw in your manifestations for the year. For each month of the year from January – December 2022 there is:

  • A weekly and daily planner with priorities, the sign the Moon is in each day, a goal and intentions tracker for the month, a weekly shopping list, a weekly meal planner, a monthly budget page, and a weekly gratitude page.
  • The new, waxing, full, and waning Moon dates and times, the year’s eclipse dates and times are included.
  • There’s also space to record your personal birth chart information.
  • Space to record notes or journal write.
  • Matte finish cover, with a design on the front and back.
  • A spacious 8.5 inches x 11 inches in size.( Larger than a standard paperback)

Written in plain and easy to understand language, what are you waiting for? Grab one of the most comprehensive moon phase calendars designed and written by a quailed, professional astrologer today. Plan your year of success with this wonderful planner designed to give you all the information you need, to help the Moon’s energy and astrology benefit you, your life, and your growth.

Check out Amazon here: https://bit.ly/MoonPlanner2022



It’s Written In The Stars Astrological Planner 2022: Monthly and Weekly Planner With Ephemeris and Road Opener Ritual

Designed by a qualified astrologer this beautiful astrological planner is a weekly and monthly planner. Perfect for beginners learning astrology, advanced astrologers, or anyone who just loves the cosmos! All times for planet transits are in GMT, and there’s details on how to convert this to your local time, where you are in the world. A ‘road opener’ ritual is included to help you draw in your manifestations for the year. For each month of the year there is:

  • The new and full Moon date and time, eclipse dates and times.
  • An ephemeris for each month of the year to show all planet transits and retrogrades.
  • A monthly planner to set goals, tasks, notes, ideas for the month.
  • A five week planner for each month to plan tasks for each day of the week.
  • A road opener ritual to help bring in manifestations and blessings.
  • Space to record notes or journal write.
  • Matte finish cover, with a design on the front and back.
  • 6 x 9 size (standard paperback).

Perfect to plan your monthly hopes, dreams, aspirations, and organise your week using the universe to guide you, and record anything else the heart desires!

Check out Amazon here: https://bit.ly/ItsWrittenInTheStarsAstrologicalPlanner2022


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