Capricorn New Moon Messages + Writing Prompt: Transformation and Change

Happy new year! The first new Moon of 2021 falls between the 12th and 13th January (depending on your time zone).  But as always with any new Moon the vibration is there for the whole seven-eight days of that week! The fresh new energy will come in at 23 degrees of the sign Capricorn. This is a wonderful energy to have the first new Moon of 2021 in. Why? Well Capricorn’s energy is all about ‘focus’, ‘direction’, ‘hard-work’. For those that don’t know, Capricorn is considered (along side Virgo), the hardest working energy of the zodiac. The difference between the two energies is that, Virgo is hard-working it seeks perfection. Capricorn just seeks achievement, at all costs no matter what! And perfection may not be the main aim. It’s ‘get this done already.’

A Capricorn energy is perfect to start off manifestations, visions, vision boards, and goals at any time. However especially now! For the new year of 2021, and under a new Moon, when it’s about ‘new directions, new starts, and what am I working towards now’. This is a very dynamic time for us all. Especially if you’re a Capricorn sun sign, or you have a lot of Capricorn in your birth chart ruling your planets. We all will have Capricorn rule an area of life in our charts, yep all of us! You’d need to check your chart to see where. However generally, let’s look at the Universe’s messages for us this new Moon in Capricorn.

What’s The Theme for the 23 degree Capricorn New Moon ? (12th/13th January 2021)

The Sun and Moon will conjunct at 23 degrees into the sign, meaning that they are working together in unison to create this ‘new and fresh’ start energy. This is the Universe’s attempt to co-create with us each new Moon when they form this aspect in the sky. The Sun and Moon are like balance or masculine and feminine, ying and yang energy. So it’s time for a fresh start, or to decide what needs to be worked on using ‘hard- work’, ‘determination,’ ‘focus’ and ‘achievement’ that Capricorn brings. It’s time to get serious like Capricorn. What’s also key is that we have a stelluim of energy in Capricorn this week of the new Moon. A Stellium in astrology is very important, there’s three or more planets under the influence of a sign, (Capricorn) in this case, which adds insight. Pluto the planet of slow, stead, transformation and change that’s often forced! But not as crazy as Uranus’ energy is also under Capricorn.

So what does this mean?

It’s time to ‘change’ something in our lives as we move forward with Pluto kissing the Sun and Moon. He is  conjunct ( working in unison) a degree away from the 23 degree Capricorn new Moon. This means his energy is highly influencing the need for new vibes, directions, goals, and some kind of slow steady but much needed ‘transformation’.

As mentioned where this energy will vibrate in your personal chart will depend on where the Capricorn Moon falls in your chart- where Capricorn rules. However as a general message we can all take this energy of the stellum and new Moon away and apply it to our lives wherever we wish to.

Add to that there’s an Aquarius stellum going on also! The sign that follows Capricorn, it’s a message of ‘continuation.’  Aquarius is in modern astrology linked to ‘hopes, dreams, social circles, networks, human acts’ and it a very strong minded, logical, air sign. Saturn (hard -work, maturity, and lessons) Mercury ( communication, thinking, learning, short trips) and Jupiter ( expansion, good luck , fortune, spirituality) are all under the Aquarius energy too! Wonderful. So with this stelluim it could be seen as a message to  think about expansion, and what you want and are willing to work hard for or learn your lessons to get it, with these three planets.

Capricorn New Moon Spiritual Writing Prompts

Based on the new Moon’s energy the Universe would like you to think about your goals for 2021 or even in the short, mid, long term with all this Capricorn energy around, and the timing of the moon. It’s about new things being a new Moon, direction and achievement being a Capricorn new Moon. Also to think about what needs to transform in your life, goals, dreams with Pluto’s input. Lastly using the Aquarius stellum energy, what needs to expand (Jupiter),  and  ‘think big’ (Mercury) and work hard towards ( Saturn).

Grab your journal here’s some prompts:

  • How or where can/ will I transform myself or an area of my life I wish to moving forward?
  • Am I happy with my ‘direction’ so far, will I continue this path from 2020 into 2021 or is there a new path?
  • What one (two or even three) things do I really need/want/wish to achieve in the short , long, or medium term. And what’s the first step or my plan to get on track with this?
  • Do, have, or am I limiting my ‘big ideas’  if so, how can I remain positive and not have any fear to think big.
  • What’s my ‘think big’ idea that I deeply want and am prepared to work for? How will I make a start?

Have you ever considered spiritual journalling? Why not invest in yourself for thirty whole days and really dig deep, and help you have the best year this year! The 30 Day Spiritual Journal could help you achieve just that.

The 30 Day Spiritual Journal provides you with a deeply reflective personal experience. That will align you with your authentic self for your highest good. You’ll gain clarity on your direction and heal. This book is for everyone, no matter your spiritual or religious belief, the reflection points make no reference to religion. The Journal has varied and deeply reflective everyday questions to ask yourself, for thirty days. Which will encourage you to dig deep on a soul level, this will also help balance your chakras.

The journal reflections cover the present, past, and future. To encourage you to reflect on life and your experiences, which includes mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial reflection. Each one will then help you to move forward with success. There are thirty extra inspirational journal reflection questions as a bonus, and a dedicated space in the paperback to record your entries for each reflection.

Written by a qualified astrologer, numerologist, and Reiki Master with one purpose: to empower you, balance the chakras, access life’s blessings, then move forward with purpose. Invest in your overall well-being for thirty days, then notice life become clearer, exciting, and aligned with your true self. All you need is your favourite writing pen. Check out Amazon here. It’s a free read on Kindle Unlimited too.

You can also plan to achieve under the Capricorn new moon with the 2021 Astrological Moon Calendar Planner

Astrological full and new Moon planner for 2021, there are 89 full, bold, coloured pages of all different shades for each month. Perfect as a gift or yourself. One purchased you will have your planner straight away, you can download and start to write in it. Inside for each month of 2021 you will find:

Your goals and intention page.
A weekly planner to work towards your goals each week, so you achieve them.
Dates and signs of all the new and full Moons in 2021. Dates for the eclipses.
A writing prompt for that month based on the energy of the new and full Moon.
A goal achievement check list.

Note: the new and full Moon dates will depend on your time zone. For ease and to help as many people as possible, without confusing them, the dates are based over two says. Depending where you are it will be one of those days. However full and new Moon energy lasts seven- eight days a full week, so relax you’ll never miss the energy if you get the right week.

The best way to work through the journal is: each month set your own goals and intentions, break them down in to small actionable things you can do each week. Each week check your planner and record your achievement. If one month you don’t achieve something roll it over to the following month, so you do achieve your goal at a later date. Make time each month to carry out the journal reflection, and some self care around the new and full Moons.

Available as an instant download or printed version here!

Happy new Moon in Capricorn! And Happy writing.


6 Replies to “Capricorn New Moon Messages + Writing Prompt: Transformation and Change”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing about the new moon of this finally 2021! And about Capricorn. I do not know many Capricorns but I have a lot of pices and  leo friends somehow. I love the spiritual journals. It is such a great way to reflect about our progress and keep ourselves going towards the goal. 

  2. Hey Kae. Very interesting post. It’s great to see that there is something more in web then only focusing on money and commerce. Last year was so difficult and challenging with covid, quarantine and all related trouble that its great to have some goals and guidance for this one. We all need some reflection to look inside ourselves and focus on self improvements. Thank you for sharing your unique knowledge  !

    1. I agree it was a hard year, for myself included. Thank you for your feedback and blessings to you for 2021.

  3. Thank you for these insights into Capricorn New Moon messages, which informs us that this time is a great opportunity for new goals, directions, and transformation.
    It was great to read this article Capricorn New Moon Messages + Writing Prompt: Transformation and Change, which motivated me to write down my vows for 2021.
    I will also be looking at Amazon for The 30 Day Spiritual Journal, I think this would be a nice gift to give myself.
    I wish you all the best

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