4 Key Things: Capricorn New Moon 2nd/3rd January

Four key things to note about the Capricorn new Moon, at 12 degrees into Capricorn on the 2nd/3rd of January 2022. Happy new year! It looks like the planets are offering us some new starts in January.

Mercury Gives a ‘New Chapter’ in life

During this Capricorn new Moon at 12 degrees into Capricorn, Mercury would have also moved into a new sign. He will be 0 degrees into Aquarius. So how is this a ‘new chapter?’ In a birth chart if you have planets at 0 degrees into a sign, the planet has just entered this sign’s energy. The new planet in new territory, and the sign’s energy are seen as the area of your life that can allow you to create a new start for yourself, whenever you need it. In context of a new moon, not a birth chart in the cosmos presently with Mercury the planet of communication, thoughts, learning,  and short distance travel just entering into Aquarius ‘communication, ideas,  and travel’ are ways that a new chapter can be created in life. Where exactly you can use the energy of Mercury and Aquarius, will depend on where Aquarius rules in your chart as that’s where Mercury’s new chapter energy will be. Generally, via our thoughts and how we communicate with the world or even a short trip could provide a new start or chapter.

Jupiter Gives a ‘New Chapter’ in life

As with Mercury, the same applies. Jupiter will be at 0 degrees into the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the dreamer of the zodiac. Jupiter is the planet of luck, fortune, and he will expand whatever he touches in a chart. The new chapter that Jupiter and Pisces could offer is via dreams, hopes, and trying our luck with things. Again, as mentioned with Mercury where this energy could be key for you personally, and how you can make use of it will depend on where Pisces rules in your own birth chat.


Capricorn Stellium Energy

We still have a fantastic stellium of Capricorn’s energy in the cosmos! Three planets or more under the influence of a sign will result in this.  We have four, the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Pluto are all under Capricorn’s vibes. Capricorn’s energy is about hard work, being serious, focusing on the end results, and there is no room for failure with this sign’s energy. It likes to build, it’s an earth sign, and a cardinal one that will take action. This energy in your chart wherever Capricorn rules can show you where, as we start 2022, could be an ideal place or area of life to embrace Capricorn’s energy and start to build.

Pluto and Venus Conjunction

Back in December 2021 this aspect was formed between them, I mentioned it in the last post. We still have it come the first new Moon of 2022. You can read about how this can be felt as transformation of our desires in the article here. Venus is still retrograde which means that she is pulling us backwards to situations, people, places, or things that we may have wanted to connect with in the past. Pluto is using his energy to work with her( the conjunction.) To transform the desires (Venus’ energy)  and make it happen ( Pluto’s energy). Venus will turn direct finally on the 28th/29th of January 2023. When she does and she whips past Pluto’s energy and releases the conjunction, we should be  set in motion to be ‘connected’ to what we desire, helped with ‘transformation’ by Pluto. Where and how this could play out in your life will depend on where Capricorn rules in your own chart.

Happy new Moon!

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